The Catechist
The Catechist; also called 'Scripture' or 'Special Religious Education' (SRE) teachers are 'doorway people' who share their faith with the children in local state schools and connect them along with their families to the parish. They perform their calling to proclaim the "Good News of Jesus Christ" to the children on behalf of the whole Catholic parish community.
The Catechists from Lower North Shore Parish teach at the following schools each week:
Primary schools: Northbridge Primary School, Willoughby Public School.
High School: Willoughby Girls High School
Our Catechist Coordinator supports around 30 volunteer catechists who visit the schools each week to deliver the Broken Bay Diocesan Religious Education program to the children in these schools.
Our Curriculum
Walking With Jesus (K-6) and Pathways of Discipleship (7-12) are the highly regarded curricula produced by the Broken Bay Diocese, Confraternity of Christian Doctrine (CCD).
Becoming A Catechist
This is a vibrant and joyful ministry where catechists have the privilege of sharing the 'joy of the gospel' with our parish children.
A great way to find out more about what your children are learning is to arrange to come along to a lesson and observe. Parents and grandparents are welcome to observe and to assist in our scripture classes at any time.
We are always looking for more people to join our team as assistants or catechists.
STEP 1: Get in touch with our Catechist Coordinator by emailing
STEP 2: Obtain a Working With Children’s Check (WWC) number by visiting Service NSW in person or online at
STEP 3: Complete authorisation forms and return to the parish office.
STEP 4: Enrol in CCDMI (Compulsory training for new Catechists) either face-to-face or online mode. (See your coordinator for more information).
STEP 5: Receive your Authorisation Card and start teaching!
If you would like to know more about this ministry or would like to visit a lesson in your child's class, please contact the Parish Office on:
182 High St, Willoughby NSW 2068 Australia
Phone:(02) 9958 8846